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From Uncertainty to Inspiration: Volunteering at ProductCon

ProductCon Team New York 2024 / Product SchoolHey there! I wanted to share a bit about my recent experience at ProductCon in New York, hosted by Product School.Throughout this post, I’ll explain how my experiences at the event relate to real-world product management and how these skills are highly transferable. Even though this was on a smaller scale,...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 22:14
Product Strategy Lessons From Dr. House

Product strategy is one of the most important responsibilities of the product leader. It’s also one of the hardest. To succeed, you must be almost obsessed with it. Here are a few guidelines that will help you do so.Many years too late, I am now binge-watching Dr. House for the first time. It’s an awesome series to watch with my husband. Short enough...

Sun Jun 2, 2024 22:14
Nintendo’s Virtual Boy Disaster: Key UX Lessons for Product Managers

In the mid-1990s, Nintendo was at the pinnacle of the gaming world. And then the giant fell.Riding high on the success of the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and the Super NES, the company was eager to push the boundaries of gaming technology. Enter Hiroshi Yamauchi, Nintendo’s visionary president, who was determined to keep the company far ahead...

Wed May 29, 2024 13:17
What Do the Space Industry and Product Managers Have In Common?

Here are some highlights regarding how the Bath Digital Festival presented challenges within the space industry.Continue reading on Product Coalition »

Tue May 28, 2024 04:58
Endpoints, Inputs, and Outputs: The Essentials of API Structure

Let’s discuss some examples in mastering API integration and API-driven product management.A modern product manager builds only what is needed and, for the rest… integrates with ready-made. To take advantage of the thousands of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) around us, a product manager (PM) should understand the basics of an API structure,...

Mon May 27, 2024 13:55
Building Your Management Machine

As a product leader, you are responsible for so many things that need to happen. You can’t possibly keep track of everything without strict routines that will ensure things run smoothly. Here is how to make your management processes tick like a clock.Photo by Alex wolf mx on pexelsWhen I was 6 years old, my mother bought me an alarm clock and told me...

Sun May 26, 2024 13:44


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