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30 Best Google Doodles of All Time

Remember the first time you noticed Google's logo change into an entertaining piece of craftsmanship? For me, it was back in my awkward middle school days. My friends and I thought it was quirky, cute, and pretty darn amusing. Each day, the plot thickened as the next phase of the story unfolded (edge-of-your-seat stuff, I know). It started with...

Sat Jun 1, 2024 14:17
Native Advertising Strategy: How and When to Use It

I’m usually pretty irritated when I’m watching something and a pop-up blocks my view. I try to hit that x like I’m playing whack-a-mole. But when I’m scrolling through social media and see something that tells a story or makes me laugh, I’ll stop and watch no matter who posted the content — a person or a brand. That second kind of advertising is...

Sat Jun 1, 2024 14:17
Consumer Confidence: What It is & How It Works

Every time I visit my favorite coffee shop, the barista gives me a smile, nods, and brings my go-to order in a few minutes. It’s a relationship built on trust and loyalty. Imagine if all your customers felt the same about your brand. In crowded markets where buyers are spoilt for choice, gaining consumer confidence can help you become a trusted name....

Fri May 31, 2024 14:10
26 Company Swag Ideas Employees Will Actually Like

Research shows that company swag can be a highly effective tool for boosting engagement. In fact, in one recent study, 61% of survey respondents agreed that promotional products help build brand awareness, and 58% reported that they loved getting swag. That being said, through my experience as the head of marketing at two different tech companies,...

Fri May 31, 2024 14:10
How To Add YouTube Annotations (Cards and End Screen)

As a youngster, way back in 2010, I remember watching a YouTube video that fascinated me. I was learning to play the keyboard at the time and came across an upload by MysteryGuitarMan that lets you play a song by clicking on piano keys displayed on the screen. My song of choice? “Mary had a little lamb,” a classic for beginners. This interaction...

Fri May 31, 2024 14:10
26 Marketing Jokes to Tell at Your Next Meeting

Whether you’re delivering a huge presentation or hosting a webinar, a touch of humor works like a charm to delight your audience. Plus, a joke here and there can convey a fun and creative company culture. I always use marketing jokes as an ice-breaker to start a conversation in a group or keep things breezy in the middle of a serious discussion....

Fri May 31, 2024 14:10

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