Promoting a free, decentralized and open future
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Devcon4 Announcement

Přátelé, Now that we’re well into the year, we know that many of you have started to plan ahead for changing weather, holiday celebrations, and (of course) Devcon! We’re excited to announce today that Devcon4 will take place in Prague from 30 October – 02 November of this year. The first iteration of this conference took place in 2014 as a classroom-sized...

Fri May 11, 2018 17:42
Announcing May 2018 Cohort of EF Grants

Thank you all for applying, and we’re excited to announce the latest Ethereum Foundation grants! We funded 22 recipients for a total of $2.84M. Apply here for the next round! 🦄 Background The Ethereum project seeks to support useful dapps and smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, and the goal of the Ethereum Foundation is to empower developers...

Wed May 2, 2018 21:53
Announcing World Trade Francs: The Official Ethereum Stablecoin

We have long recognized that in order for cryptocurrency to reach mass adoption, a form of cryptocurrency that has higher price stability than existing cryptocurrencies like BTC and ETH would be needed so that people can use the currency to store funds and engage in commerce without worrying about their monthly salary dropping by 57% between the time...

Sun Apr 1, 2018 19:09
Announcing Beneficiaries of the Ethereum Foundation Grants

We’re excited to share the results of the first wave of grants from the Ethereum Foundation. As a reminder, the Ethereum project seeks to support useful dapps and smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, and the goal of the Ethereum Foundation is to empower developers with best-in-class R&D, developer experience, and education. Despite the early...

Wed Mar 7, 2018 18:41
Geth 1.8 – Iceberg¹

After waaay too much time under development, we’re proud to finally announce version 1.8.0 of the Go Ethereum client: Iceberg! The release fixes a lot of pain points felt by the community and ships a few notable new features, tallying up to ~170 modifications! Please note, this release introduces a few breaking changes that may affect certain power...

Wed Feb 14, 2018 16:38
Farewell and Welcome

It is with sadness that we announce that Ming Chan, who has served as Executive Director at the Ethereum Foundation for nearly three years, is leaving the Foundation. Since her arrival in 2015, she has played a critical role in the development and success of the Foundation. We will miss the leadership, commitment and integrity that she brought to the...

Thu Feb 1, 2018 00:42

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