Funny FAIL Pictures and Videos
62k followers 94 artículos/semana
Entitled older generation of neighbors decide to hang up U.S. military flags on younger couple's property to ‘support the troops’, property owners stop them in their tracks

"I could just see the smoke rising from his ears. Two things my husband hates: Other people, and the idea of other people breaking the sacred solitude that is our undeveloped parcel of land."

Wed May 15, 2024 17:05
'As I handed her the coffee I told her I quit': Manager demands that employee makes her coffee at the end of every shift, employee finally snaps

Some managers make such ridiculous demands that one has to wonder if they are trying to make their employees quit. Sometimes, that is the case, and other times, it's just that these managers have egos and enjoy engaging in power dynamics. If this description fits your manager, our advice would be to get out while you still can.Here, we have a barista...

Wed May 15, 2024 16:15
‘My roommate hasn’t been paying a dime': College student's roommate orders food using their money, then gets a full refund and doesn't pay them back

Discovering your roommate is cheating you out of money leads to a very certain kind of righteous fury. How dare they do something like that? You're living with the person, so there is no escaping these feelings. You see them on a day-to-day basis, and you know they won't pay you back.One person took to r/mildlyinfuriating to describe a very frustrating...

Wed May 15, 2024 15:22
33 Memes for Employees Flipping the Script on Their Managers

Blrrgghhhhh, your alarm goes off, and you sit upright, startled.Is it already Monday? The weekend passed by in a blur, and you groan as you realize that yes, another work week has begun. A sudden idea hits you, and it's not exactly groundbreaking, or new, but it is something you have been pondering for a while now… maybe you should quit? Many employees...

Wed May 15, 2024 02:31
20+ Perplexed people share the strangest house rules they've had to follow: 'No Pringles, they catch fire too easily'

People are strange, and that's a fact. Each of us has our own strange idiosyncrasies ranging widely in severity, that make us who we are. So, when we grow up and get our own homes and have our own kids creating effectively our own little families in our own little worlds where we can set our own rules… well—things can get very strange indeed. Did you...

Wed May 15, 2024 01:35
'Double malicious compliance': Two supervisors tell airport valet not to listen to each other

This guy's bosses are both on a power trip. Perhaps there was a feud going on behind the scenes, but the employees would have had no idea about it. Working at as an airport valet could be a stressful job at times. Just imagine how many people pull up to the valet parking, grab their luggage, throw their keys to the valet, and start sprinting to their...

Wed May 15, 2024 00:43

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