Agricultural research news. From fertilizers and organic farming to maximizing crops and hybridization, read about advancements in agriculture.
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Prostate cancer study: More health benefits from plant-based diet

Men with prostate cancer could significantly reduce the chances of the disease worsening by eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and olive oil, according to new research.

Tue May 14, 2024 23:06
Like dad and like mum...all in one plant

Scientists have established a system to generate clonal sex cells in tomato plants and used them to design the genomes of offspring. The fertilization of a clonal egg from one parent by a clonal sperm from another parent led to plants containing the complete genetic information of both parents.

Mon May 13, 2024 22:58
Bee body mass, pathogens and local climate influence heat tolerance

How well bees tolerate temperature extremes could determine their ability to persist in a changing climate. But heat tolerance varies between and within populations, so entomologists examined bee physical traits to understand how these traits interact with environmental conditions, pathogens and other factors.

Wed May 8, 2024 01:56
AI to make crop production more sustainable

Drones monitoring fields for weeds and robots targeting and treating crop diseases may sound like science fiction but is actually happening already, at least on some experimental farms. Researchers are working on driving forward the smart digitalization of agriculture and have now published a list of the research questions that will need to be tackled...

Mon May 6, 2024 22:54
Plants utilize drought stress hormone to block snacking spider mites

Recent findings that plants employ a drought-survival mechanism to also defend against nutrient-sucking pests could inform future crop breeding programs aimed at achieving better broadscale pest control.

Fri May 3, 2024 21:59
Researchers develop an AI model to reduce uncertainty in evapotranspiration prediction

Evapotranspiration (ET) includes evaporation from soil and open water pools such as lakes, rivers, and ponds, as well as transpiration from plant leaves. The difference between precipitation and ET indicates the water balance available for societal needs, including agricultural and industrial production. However, measuring ET is challenging. A new study...

Wed May 1, 2024 15:57

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