When all else fails, use duct tape
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The Gimmicky Kitchen Appliances You Definitely Don’t Need

Your kitchen should have the right tools. Welcome to A Guide to Gearing Up Your Kitchen, a series where I help you outfit the space with all the small appliances you need (and ditch the ones you don’t).It may not come as a big surprise, but I’m a kitchen nerd. Every time I bring home a new knife or appliance requires that I use it immediately and talk...

Mon Apr 29, 2024 21:02
Why a Kitchen Scale Is the Most Important Tool in Any Kitchen

Your kitchen should have the right tools. Welcome to A Guide to Gearing Up Your Kitchen, a series where I help you outfit the space with all the small appliances you need (and ditch the ones you don’t).You’ve probably heard folks refer to cooking and baking as a science. While I consider a great deal of it an art, I don’t deny that I do an inordinate...

Mon Apr 29, 2024 21:02
The Best Kitchen Appliances to Buy Cordless

Your kitchen should have the right tools. Welcome to A Guide to Gearing Up Your Kitchen, a series where I help you outfit the space with all the small appliances you need (and ditch the ones you don’t).The kitchen is the only indoor space where you get to use power tools to make things on a regular basis. Fine, I guess most folk call them appliances,...

Mon Apr 29, 2024 20:03
The Simple Waffle Iron Is Actually a Multi-Meal Cooking Appliance

Your kitchen should have the right tools. Welcome to A Guide to Gearing Up Your Kitchen, a series where I help you outfit the space with all the small appliances you need (and ditch the ones you don’t).The waffle iron is an indispensable tool in my kitchen. Naturally, it allows me to make waffles, but that’s just the tip of the breakfast bread. The...

Mon Apr 29, 2024 20:03
Why Your Kitchen Still Needs a Toaster (Even If You Have an Air Fryer)

Your kitchen should have the right tools. Welcome to A Guide to Gearing Up Your Kitchen, a series where I help you outfit the space with all the small appliances you need (and ditch the ones you don’t).In the age of smart tech, it can be difficult to assess when simple is actually better. Such is the case with the modest toaster. Why even buy this clunky,...

Mon Apr 29, 2024 19:03
Everything to Consider When Buying a Stand Mixer

Your kitchen should have the right tools. Welcome to A Guide to Gearing Up Your Kitchen, a series where I help you outfit the space with all the small appliances you need (and ditch the ones you don’t).Buying a stand mixer isn’t a purchase made lightly. You have to consider size, power, capabilities, and, of course, price. Shopping for the right one...

Mon Apr 29, 2024 19:03

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