Books and arts
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The information wars are about to get worse, Yuval Harari argues

The author of “Sapiens” is back with a timely new book about AI, fact and fiction

Fri Sep 6, 2024 18:41
Despots and oligarchs have many means to meddle in American politics

The extent of the foreign-influence industry may surprise you

Thu Sep 5, 2024 16:02
A gripping new novel about AI captures what it means to be human

“Hum” evokes a techno-dystopia that feels eerily realistic

Thu Sep 5, 2024 16:02
Arnold Schoenberg was one of classical music’s most important rebels

But, 150 years after his birth, he is underappreciated

Thu Sep 5, 2024 16:02
Technology and Hindu nationalism have transformed India

Might the government combine the two in ominous ways?

Thu Sep 5, 2024 14:23
The Oxford debate where evolution triumphed over creationism

A turning-point in the history of science

Tue Sep 3, 2024 19:15

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