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每日一词|民政职业大学 China Civil Affairs University

2024.09.13 我国民政教育领域第一所本科高校——民政职业大学日前在京揭牌成立。该大学是由教育部批准以北京社会管理职业学院为基础整合民政部教育科研资源设立的。 China's first undergraduate institution for civil affairs education was recently inaugurated in Beijing. China Civil Affairs University was approved to be established by the Ministry of Education. It is based...

Fri Sep 13, 2024 13:33
每日一词|绿色农药 green pesticides

2024.09.13 中国科学家研发出了全球首例针对几丁质生物学过程的原创性生物农药分子,标志着绿色农药创制领域取得了里程碑式的成就。 Chinese scientists have developed the world's first original biopesticide molecule targeting chitin biological processes, making a significant advancement in the green development of the pesticide industry.   ...

Fri Sep 13, 2024 07:12
每日一词|新型信息基础设施 new information infrastructure

2024.09.11 工业和信息化部等十一部门联合印发通知称,我国将推动新型信息基础设施协调发展。 China will promote the coordinated development of new information infrastructure, according to a statement jointly issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and 10 other departments.   2024年8月29日,工作人员在贵安超算中心数据机房内工作。图片来源:新华社...

Wed Sep 11, 2024 13:09
每日一词|月球科学多模态专业大模型 professional, multimodal large language model (LLM) for the field of lunar science

2024.09.05 8月29日,国际首个月球科学多模态专业大模型在2024中国国际大数据产业博览会上发布。 On August 29, the world's first professional, multimodal large language model (LLM) for the field of lunar science has been released at the China International Big Data Industry Expo.   8月29日,一名观众在观看月球科学多模态专业大模型介绍。图片来源:新华社...

Thu Sep 5, 2024 13:23
每日一词|“全球南方” Global South

2024.09.05 国家主席习近平日前复信非洲50国学者,鼓励他们继续为构建高水平中非命运共同体、维护“全球南方”共同利益提供智力支持。 Chinese President Xi Jinping encouraged African scholars to continue to provide intellectual support for building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future and safeguarding the common interests of the Global...

Thu Sep 5, 2024 10:23

2024.09.05 研究发现,置身大自然会让你感觉时间过得更慢,有助于将你的注意力从眼前转移到未来的需求上。你将能够延迟即时满足感,转而追求长期回报,而不是永远生活在“只求过得去”的状态中。   Photo/Pexels   Do you ever get that feeling that there aren't enough hours in the day? That time is somehow racing away from you, and it is impossible to fit everything...

Thu Sep 5, 2024 10:23

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