Studies show that up to 80% of people who lose a significant amount of weight end up regaining it within a year or two. This highlights a harsh reality: losing weight is challenging, but keeping it off can be even harder. Weight regain is common due to a complex interplay of factors. These include biological changes that slow metabolism after weight...
No matter what so-called gurus tell you on Instagram, struggling with motivation is normal. It’s part of the process. We all experience days and weeks when it’s hard to get your butt in gear, especially when it comes to fat loss. Overcoming Low Motivation: Key to Sustainable Fat Loss When it’s been a struggle to start your workouts lately, it...
Losing fat is difficult during the best of times. But, what about trying to get as lean as you’ve ever been while battling a back injury and working with limited equipment? Now that’s a challenge. But, our online coaching client Mitch did just that, dropping 11 pounds over 2 months. Mitch got into incredible shape. That much is clear. But there’s...
I looked at my dad. Then down at my phone. 10:32 pm. July 21. 2023. My dad was gone. On Friday night, I watched my father — my Superman — take his final breath. It was a moment of peace for a man at war for three years. My dad was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer (glioblastoma) in 2020. Some doctors told him he had six months to live, at best....
Some weeks, you might not be feeling your workouts. It happens to all of us. Whether you’ve got a lot going on at work or sleeping terribly, you will be lagging some days. Here’s the key: It’s not about pushing the limits; it’s about learning how to have a great workout every time, no matter what is happening in your life or if you’re not “feeling...
Early in my career, I’d spend a significant amount of time trying to “correct” a client’s muscle imbalances. These were deficits or patterns I identified during a hands-on assessment at the gym. For some clients (mainly those dealing with chronic pain), this was the right call. But, for the rest, it meant that we didn’t spend enough time actually...
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