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Orange juice squeezed by Brazilian drought

Futures prices are almost three times above those of two years ago as crop disease hits yields

Sat Sep 7, 2024 16:33
Prosciutto in peril as Italy struggles to contain swine fever

Farmers fear for livelihoods as government struggles to stem worst outbreak of virus in decades

Sat Sep 7, 2024 08:30
The way forward for ESG

Actual owners of shares should have more say than their hired fund managers

Sat Sep 7, 2024 08:30
Why I think these Reits deserve a second look

Care home shortage and a stabilising residential market offer opportunities in rate-sensitive property funds

Sat Sep 7, 2024 08:30
Costly cat bonds help vulnerable countries weather the storm

Areas prone to natural disasters have to weigh up the costs and benefits of the risk financing tools

Sat Sep 7, 2024 08:30
Morgan Stanley settles case tied to trades by First Republic founder

Massachusetts regulator says Wall Street firm failed to police stock sales in run-up to failure of California regional bank

Fri Sep 6, 2024 22:28

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