2024.11.01 2024年10月28日,国务院办公厅印发《关于加快完善生育支持政策体系推动建设生育友好型社会的若干措施》。文件从强化生育服务支持,加强育幼服务体系建设,强化教育、住房、就业等支持措施,营造生育友好社会氛围等方面提出13条具体举措,营造全社会尊重生育、支持生育的良好氛围。 China on October 28 introduced a series of new birth support policies aimed at building a society more conducive to raising children. A directive...
2024.11.01 据航空工业集团消息,2024年10月25日,我国自主研制的大型水陆两栖飞机AG600顺利完成了最小离地速度表明符合性试飞,为后续审定试飞的安全和取证奠定了坚实基础。 China's AG600 large amphibious aircraft on October 25, 2024 passed an airworthiness validation flight test of its minimum unstick speed, the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) has announced....
2024.10.30 据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,10月30日,神舟十九号载人飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心发射,3名中国航天员顺利进驻中国空间站,将在空间站驻留约6个月执行飞行任务,发射取得圆满成功。 The launch of the Shenzhou-19 crewed spaceship is a complete success, according to the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA). China on October 30 launched the Shenzhou-19 crewed spaceship from the...
2024.10.30 中共中央党史和文献研究院编辑的《习近平关于健康中国论述摘编》一书,近日由中央文献出版社出版,在全国发行。 A compilation of excerpts from discourses on the Healthy China initiative by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has been published by the Central Party Literature Press. ...
2024.10.25 2024年10月23日,中国国家主席习近平在俄罗斯喀山举行的金砖国家领导人第十六次会晤上发表重要讲话。习近平表示,中方愿同金砖各国一道,开创“大金砖合作”高质量发展新局面,携手更多“全球南方”国家共同推动构建人类命运共同体。 Chinese President Xi Jinping on October 23, 2024 delivered an important speech at the 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia. China is willing to work with all BRICS countries...
2024.10.25 2024年10月22日,国家主席习近平在俄罗斯喀山同俄罗斯总统普京举行会晤时指出,金砖合作机制是当今世界最重要的新兴市场国家和发展中国家团结合作平台。 The BRICS mechanism is the world's most important platform for solidarity and cooperation between emerging markets and developing countries, said Chinese President Xi Jinping when meeting with Russian...