Funny FAIL Pictures and Videos
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20 wedding mishaps that led to divorce: 'The bride [...] showed up in a bright pink track suit'

Of course, we want our friends' weddings to be joyful and stress-free, but the reality of the matter is there's always something unexpected. Most of the time, it's minor and something everyone can laugh at in the moment or a few weeks down the road. However, every so often, some revelatory piece of information is uncovered that becomes a point of no...

Sun May 5, 2024 23:53
Update: 'He cc'd his boss and my supervisors so they could all see my big mistake': Employee sends receipts to higher-ups after being accused of major mistake

When an account manager accused this worker of making a big mistake, the employee came back with receipts. U/LucyAriaRose knows the value of getting things in writing, as he shared in a post to the r/pettyrevenge subreddit. While working in a client-facing job, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that the client never gets to hear about. For...

Sun May 5, 2024 23:07
IT worker learns everyone's salaries from 10+ years ago vs. now: 'How do companies get away with this?'

You would think that this kind of information would not be so easily accessible by non-HR employees! And yet, like most companies, this one's HR department did not do its due diligence.Instead, a lowly member of the IT department discovered records of everyone's salaries from ten years prior, learning that not very much has changed. No matter how long...

Sun May 5, 2024 22:46
23 Work Memes for the Employees Clocking in Fashionably Late

Waking up late for work has to be one of the worst feelings ever. And the even worse part is, we do it to ourselves. We hit snooze one too many times, thinking in our half-conscious state of mind that we can afford to risk our job for just nine more minutes of precious sleep. But then we wake up panicking, running around like a headless chicken, trying...

Sun May 5, 2024 20:44
‘He threw the laptop on the ground’: Employees Share Most Amusing Customer Encounters at Work

Customers are super amusing… some of them will assume you can give them stuff for free, while others think they can talk to you however they like because their mother told them that they were 'very special'. Customer service is the worst, and you really get to see another side to humanity that you might not encounter on your regular day-to-day basis....

Sun May 5, 2024 19:57
'Enjoy the wake up call!': Corporal talks back to commanding officer, gets malicious compliance during night watch

Someone's got to take the night shift, but of course, no one really wants to. Working overnight means that you have to force yourself to stay awake for hours, even as you start to feel loopy and exhausted. Your body is screaming at you to get some rest, but you have to keep walking around and keep busy in order to keep your eyes open. By the time your...

Sun May 5, 2024 18:45

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