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每日一词|国家空间科学中长期发展规划 national mid and long-term development program for space science

2024.10.17 2024年10月15日举行的国新办发布会上,中国科学院、国家航天局、中国载人航天工程办公室联合发布了《国家空间科学中长期发展规划(2024—2050年)》。 China unveiled a national mid and long-term space science development program for 2024-2050 on October 15, 2024. The program was jointly released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the China National...

Thu Oct 17, 2024 13:05
每日一词|中越德天(板约)瀑布跨境旅游合作区 the China-Vietnam Detian-Ban Gioc Waterfall cross-border tourism cooperation zone

2024.10.16 2024年10月15日,中越德天(板约)瀑布跨境旅游合作区正式投入运营。这也是中国首个跨境旅游合作区。 As China's first cross-border tourism cooperation zone, the China-Vietnam Detian-Ban Gioc Waterfall cross-border tourism cooperation zone went into operation on October 15, 2024.   这是2024年10月15日拍摄的中越德天(板约)瀑布跨境旅游合作区景色。图片来源:新华社...

Wed Oct 16, 2024 12:23
每日一词|智能化开采 intelligent mining

2024.10.16 2024年10月14日,山西省人民政府在新闻发布会上介绍,山西煤炭产量连续4年居全国第一,50%以上煤炭产能实现智能化开采,建成30个绿色开采试点示范煤矿,煤炭先进产能占比近82%。 Shanxi now has more than 50 percent of its coal production capacity achieved via intelligent mining, said local authorities on a press conference held on October 14, 2024. A total of 30...

Wed Oct 16, 2024 12:23
每日一词|灯塔工厂 lighthouse factories

2024.10.15 2024年10月8日,世界经济论坛正式发布了最新一批“灯塔工厂”名单,22家创新制造企业加入全球灯塔网络,其中来自中国的工厂占比接近60%,创下历史新高。 The World Economic Forum announced on October 8, 2024 that 22 innovative manufacturers have joined the Global Lighthouse Network. Of the total, the proportion of "lighthouse factories" from China accounts...

Tue Oct 15, 2024 05:19
每日一词|中国游 China Travel

2024.10.14 多家旅游平台数据显示,“十一”假期期间,入境游订单量同比增长六成左右,许多城市成为外国游客的热门目的地。外交部发言人2024年10月8日表示,“中国游”的升温,显示了中国的吸引力和开放姿态。 According to data released by multiple tourism platforms, during the National Day holiday, the number of travel orders by foreign tourists to China grew by around 60 percent year-on-year,...

Mon Oct 14, 2024 06:21
每日一词|一揽子增量政策 a raft of incremental policies

2024.10.10 中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理李强于2024年10月8日主持召开经济形势专家和企业家座谈会,听取对当前经济形势和下一步经济工作的意见建议。李强在座谈会上强调,要抓紧落实好稳经济一揽子增量政策,努力完成全年经济社会发展目标任务。 Chinese Premier Li Qiang on October 8, 2024 called for efforts to promptly implement a raft of incremental policies to stabilize the country's economy, and strive...

Thu Oct 10, 2024 13:14

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