Top stories from all of ScienceDaily's health, technology, environment, and society sections.
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Using stem cell-derived heart muscle cells to advance heart regenerative therapy

Regenerative heart therapies involve transplanting cardiac muscle cells into damaged areas of the heart to recover lost function. However, the risk of arrhythmias following this procedure is reportedly high. In a recent study, researchers tested a novel approach that involves injecting 'cardiac spheroids,' cultured from human stem cells, directly into...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 05:52
Vitamin D alters mouse gut bacteria to give better cancer immunity

Researchers have found that vitamin D encourages the growth of a type of gut bacteria in mice which improves immunity to cancer.

Sat Apr 27, 2024 05:52
Airborne single-photon lidar system achieves high-resolution 3D imaging

Researchers have developed a compact and lightweight single-photon airborne lidar system that can acquire high-resolution 3D images with a low-power laser. This advance could make single-photon lidar practical for air and space applications such as environmental monitoring, 3D terrain mapping and object identification.

Sat Apr 27, 2024 05:52
Identifying a new liver defender: The role of resident macrophages

Researchers discovered liver resident macrophages' pivotal role in defending against gut bacteria and related substances entering via the portal vein, particularly under compromised intestinal barrier conditions. Identified as 'sentinel macrophages,' they are activated by isoallo-lithocholic acid. This finding holds promise for developing preventive...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 05:52
Genetic variations may predispose people to Parkinson's disease following long-term pesticide exposure, study finds

A new study found certain genetic variants could help explain how long-term pesticide exposure could increase the risk of Parkinson's disease.

Sat Apr 27, 2024 05:52
Laser technology offers breakthrough in detecting illegal ivory

A new way of quickly distinguishing between illegal elephant ivory and legal mammoth tusk ivory could prove critical to fighting the illegal ivory trade. A laser-based approach could be used by customs worldwide to aid in the enforcement of illegal ivory from being traded under the guise of legal ivory.

Sat Apr 27, 2024 05:52

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