“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” Charles Darwin
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Intelligent Dolphins

claimtoken-51bb47904a1ea It surprises me the way our society has changed the view we have of nature, other species and other animals. I assume it must be very difficult for some of us to look among other nature creatures and realise they have more similarities with us than differences. But still we have always had this feeling of being superior. Our...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:42
The question of question understanding

I had a very long flight on my last easter vacation and I decided to use that spare time to reread some chapters from Physics of the impossible by Michio Kaku. While I was reading the robots chapter I began to ponder about some of the ideas mentioned. I understand that some scientists argue whether our brain is the most complicated system ever made...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:42
The Human Brain Project

This past week a new interesting project about the human brain was approved by the European Commission. This project has been selected with an european flagship FET (Future and emerging technologies) which means it’s set to receive a billion euros and also to be funded as FET “flagships” over 10 years through its research and innovation funding programmes. Modern...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:42
The tale of the boy who saw without eyes

I don’t know if you have already heard about the human echolocation phenomenom. For those of you who haven’t,  this post’s title probably has left you a bit astonished, but human echolocation in an ability that has been known for at least the 1950s. We could say that human echolocation its a process similar, in a way, to the one used by  bats, dolphins...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:42
2013 Decalogue by Eduard Punset

Eduard Punset is a multidisciplinary researcher well know in Spain because since 1996 he has directed and presented “Redes” a scientific Tv program based around interviews with leading scientists.He is also professor of science, technology and society at the Faculty of Economics of the Chemical Institute of Sarrià. I wanted to translate, his new year’s...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:42
Dr. Marvin Minsky: Building Intelligent Machines

Most of you, have probably heard about Dr. Marvin Minsky , one of the most influential authorities inside Cognitive Science. Co-founder of the Massachusetts Institute of Technologies AI laboratory. In my opinion, he is one of the most intelligent thinker I have ever heard. This is a talk in 2009 in which Marvin Minsky tries to explain why we need intelligent...

Mon May 11, 2015 04:42

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