HBR IdeaCast
Reid Hoffman is one of the most prominent and recognizable voices in Silicon Valley, and after predicting some of the biggest trends that have shaped our world in the last 25 years, he is sharing his thoughts on the future of artificial intelligence. In this interview with HBR Editor in Chief Adi Ignatius, Hoffman shares his approach to managing technological...
We live in an age of data. But having powerful tools to gather employee feedback doesn't mean you’ll get powerful results. It’s challenging for executives to turn that feedback into substantive action. New research from Ethan Burris, professor of management at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin, sheds light on how to...
Unwelcome employee turnover can create big problems for managers, teams, and organizations, so it's important to understand the real drivers of attrition. New research from Ethan Bernstein, associate professor at Harvard Business School, and Michael Horn, cofounder of the Clayton Christensen Institute, points to a host of push and pull forces that cause...
Managing is a tough job, sometimes a seemingly thankless one where you can feel squeezed from all sides. But for team leaders who are feeling burnt out or overwhelmed with their job, Daisy Auger-Domínguez has advice on regaining your joy at work. She recommends various techniques to incorporate optimism and well-being into your management role. They...
There was a time when business leaders and managers didn't worry so much about psychology or other social science research. Malcolm Gladwell's writing played a big role in changing that. His popular exploration of tipping points — the phenomenon where small, incremental actions can suddenly fuse into a full-blown social behavior — brought research insights...
Many companies are investing heavily in artificial intelligence right now, hoping to improve both efficiency and innovation. But, as with any technology that sees widespread adoption, AI itself won't be enough to build a long-term advantage over competitors, says Jay Barney, professor at the University of Utah's Eccles School of Business. Yes, leaders...
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