Musings on technical writing...
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ERROR: “Index was out of range” when Accessing the DataKeys Collection in a Paged GridView

While working on a legacy ASP.NET WebForms application I stumbled into the following error: I had a paged GridView with a LinkButton in a TemplateField that, when clicked, accessed the GridView’s DataKeys collection. When clicking one of the LinkButton’s on the first page everything worked beautifully, but as soon as a user navigated to any page other...

Thu Nov 14, 2013 23:17
ASP.NET Bundling and Minification Returning File Not Found (404)

ASP.NET 4.5 introduced a nifty feature for script and stylesheet bundling and minification, a technique that can drastically reduce the size of your script and stylesheet files and, more importantly, reduce the number of round-trips the browser must make to the server to fully render a web page. Today I was working with a client who had been using bundling...

Sat Oct 19, 2013 06:45
Rendering Lists in Irregular Columns Using iText / iTextSharp

Today’s blog post is going to be a bit obscure, but I stumbled across this problem recently and found a workaround that I thought would be worth sharing for anyone else who found themselves in my place. iText is an open-source library for programmatically creating PDF documents (iTextSharp is the .NET port of iText). I’ve written before on using iTextSharp...

Wed Oct 16, 2013 00:45
IIS7, Global Themes, CSS Files and Subfolders

Ran into an interesting and esoteric problem today when working with a client. This client had a legacy ASP.NET 2.0 application deployed on IIS6 that used global themes. First, a little background… A theme is: “a collection of property settings that allow you to define the look of pages and controls, and then apply the look consistently across pages...

Thu Aug 2, 2012 21:12
ERROR: Resource name XXX cannot be used more than once

A couple weeks ago I had a client call me up with a perplexing build error. He had an ASP.NET 4 Web Application project open in Visual Studio 2010 that he was working on when, suddenly, the following error cropped up when building: Resource name ‘xxx.resources’ cannot be used more than once. There was no line number, just this error message. According...

Thu May 3, 2012 00:43
Using Log Parser to List All Blocked IP Requests

In a recent project we needed to block a series of IP addresses from accessing our website. IIS makes this easy with its IPv4 Address and Domain Restrictions feature, which lets the webmaster specify specific or ranges of IP addresses that are either allowed or denied access to the website. See Configure IPv4 Address and Domain Name Rules for more information....

Sun Apr 8, 2012 07:02

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