Starship Troopers: Continuum, the upcoming VR co-op shooter, has been delayed until next month.Announced two weeks ago, Starship Troopers: Continuum is a new entry in the sci-fi series with three-player co-op. Set 25 years after the 1997 film, Starship Troopers: Continuum finds the war between the Federation and the Arachnid reaching a deadlock. Initially...
Gunman Contracts - Stand Alone, the new VR shooter from solo developer ANB_Seth, is escaping the shackles of a Half-Life: Alyx mod with an early access launch in 2025.The debut original game from ANB_Seth, Gunman Contracts - Stand Alone takes you into the role of a professional hitman. You take on ruthless criminal forces and bring justice in a chaotic...
Bonelab plans to implement the inside-out upper body tracking feature of Quest 3 & 3S.Stress Level Zero's Brandon J Laatsch described inside-out body tracking as "the most game changing feature of VR hardware since tracked controllers in 2016", and said "Other hardware players either need to step up and develop it or concede the space to those who...
COLD VR, Final Fury, and Maestro lead the way for PC VR demos in this week's Steam Next Fest.Following similar events in February and June, the Steam Next Fest October Edition marks the third Next Fest this year. Live for one week and featuring nearly 40 PC VR games, our current highlights include the board game collection All On Board! and VR arcade...
Meta released an XR UI kit for Unity, which some Quest developers have been requesting for years.When developing for other operating systems like Windows, Mac, iOS, and regular Android, developers have access to high-level UI frameworks that let them build interfaces that feel cohesive with the operating system.But until recently, the only way to build...
The first non-Pro Apple Vision headset could arrive next year at around $2000, Bloomberg's Mark Gurman reports.Gurman has a strong track record when it comes to reporting Apple's moves in advance, and revealed many details of Vision Pro before it was officially revealed or even acknowledged to exist by Apple.In the latest edition of his newsletter,...
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