748 followers 181 стаття/тиждень
[D]What is the research problem of LLM?

Hi, I am just a PhD student at the 1st year, and currently I am struggling to find the research problem for my PhD. My previous research about natural language processing especially in relation extraction (during my master). For PhD, I am interested in LLM, especially in multi modal learning. However, my current struggling is the more I read the more...

Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:55
[P]Integrating Ai driven character in .net wpf app

Hello! I am working on a project in which I have to integrate a physics based human like character to a .net wpf application. I am building an physics based ai avatar which mimic all the human activity whether they are working or enjoying (i.e. walking, listening, speaking, sleeping, thinking and all other activities). The input on which the character...

Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:55
[D] How big are LLM models and their role in machine learning?

[D] Hi everyone, we are new to Large Language Models (LLMs) and would like to understand more about their size and how they relate to machine learning. Could someone explain how big these models typically are and how they fit into the broader field of machine learning? Any insights or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! submitted by...

Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:55
[D] Hype Behind Agents?

I’ve been hearing a lot of pitches for multi agent system startups recently and I’m not sure exactly why there is so much hype. What makes a multi agent system difficult? What are the interesting research questions? Doesn’t DSPy solve a lot of these problems already? submitted by /u/Primary-Track8298 [link] [comments]

Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:55
[D] SIGIR and KDD 2024

Hi folks! Anyone else going to SIGIR (in DC) or KDD 2024 in August to Barcelona? I’m an applied researcher in industry and looking for other folks from the US (especially Seattle) to connect with and possibly go together. [D] discussion kdd recsys submitted by /u/Financial_Bid_2614 [link] [comments]

Mon Jun 10, 2024 01:55
[P] Developing a model for resource-constrained devices

I'm developing a project where I want to generate a stereoscopic 3d image pair on the 3ds, to enable 3d-mode viewing for applications that don't possess this capability. Here's a model that does the exact thing that I need, but not at the performance that I require: https://github.com/browarsoftware/stereofast At this point in the project, I have used...

Mon Jun 10, 2024 01:55

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