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European Beauty Standards: Impact on Self-Image and Diversity

Here are a few ways the European beauty standard is harmful and what’s needed to finally eliminate it. Though we see flickers of progress come and go, European beauty standards — which essentially worship white physical features as the best — are still prevailing across popular culture. Keep reading to learn more about the damaging...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 07:37
What's the Link Between Anxiety and Ink?

Tattoos can be therapeutic for some, helping them overcome anxiety and mental health struggles.  Tattoos have long been a flex in personal expression and artistry. For some peeps, they’re the go-to for commemorating life wins or solidifying deep-seated beliefs — from quotes that got you through dark times or portraits of your fave pets. ...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 07:37
Do You Even Pro, Bro? 7 Symptoms of Protein Deficiency

Though protein deficiency is uncommon in the developed world, it’s still possible to be low in this nutrient. You might experience these symptoms from insufficient protein. If you’re concerned you’re not getting enough protein in your diet, let us be the first to share some good news: Most Americans consume around 15% of their calories from...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 07:08
Boost Your Bod With Eccentric Exercise

While most focus is typically placed on the lift portion of an exercise, eccentric training gives the lengthening portion some much-deserved love. Eccentric exercises are a fantastic way to keep your muscles strong and flexible while preventing injuries and speeding up recovery. Focusing on the controlled lengthening of muscles, these exercises...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 07:08
Foamy Urine and What It Could Mean for Your Health

Foamy urine can result from simple factors like a fast urine stream or more complex causes like kidney disease and diabetes. Ever seen your pee fizz like a shaken soda and thought your toilet was pranking you? Don’t panic! Here’s everything you need to know about foamy urine, including common causes and treatments. What causes...

Tue Jun 4, 2024 07:08
Butt Why? Cracking the Code on Period Butt Cramps

Hormones, anatomy, and health issues can cause butt cramps during your period. Ah, the joys of “that time of the month” — cramping, bloating, and now, surprise butt cramps. As if menstrual pain wasn’t enough, your body decides to throw in a curveball by extending the discomfort to your buttocks. But fear not! We’ve cracked the code on period...

Mon May 27, 2024 23:22


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